(FLURRY LEVELS) 02-Floating lemming flurry: "IJJLDNCCCN" 03-Holiday lemmings: "OJNLHCEDCT" 04-Lemming tracks in the snow: "HLDLCMNECT" 05-Christmas south of the equator: "LDLCAJNFCK" 06-Lemming snowfall: "LHCKKONGCN" 07-Lemming snowjourn: "LCANNLDHCQ" 08-Clouds of lemmings: "CINLLLHICL" 09-A block from home: "CAJHMDLJCJ" 10-Lemmings below zero: "MJHMDLCKCW" 11-At me in a cave: "NJOLHCGLCN" 12-Presents of mind: "JMDLCINMCK" 13-Yo-yo-lem-lem: "MDLCAKLNCS" 14-Marshmallow land: "DLCKJNMOCO" 15-Head for the hills: "LCENMMDPCM" 16-The long way around: "CKNOMDLQVC" (BLIZZARD LEVELS) 01-Odgil lemmings: "CAJKNNHBDM" 02-Lemmings up high: "KJKLFLCCDR" 03-Check your hints: "KJLGNCADDO" 04-Santus lemmingus: "JLFLCKNEDW" 05-It came upon a lemnight clear: "LFLCAJOFDO" 06-A single lemming: "FLCKJNLGDY" 07-Break on through: "LCANNLGHDU" 08-Presents of mind 2: "CMOONOHIDJ" 09-Lemmings..The motion picture: "CAJJMFNJDQ" 10-The wrath of lem: "KKHMFNCKDK" 11-The search for lem: "NKMFNCALDX" 12-The voyage home: "KMGLCKNMDR" 13-The final frontier: "MFLCCJMNDX" 14-The undiscovered country: "NJCMKNDGDM" 15-The needs of many: "LCANNMFPDM" 16-The next lemeration: "BDNNMONQDV" (HINTS) 1. If a Builder hits a steepish slope he will stop building and turn around. 2. On the early levels practice using the lemmings special abilities. Try completing level one without Climbers and level two without Floaters. 3. On Blizzard level two, you will need to use the Digger/Builder method to block off the lemmings. 4. On Blizzard level 14 the exit is hidden under snow in the steel boxes in the bottom left corner! Use Miners and Bashers to get there.